Why is Juvenate professional clinic only?

Juvenate is a niche skincare range because the products are specifically formulated to restore, repair and enhance your skin in a way other ranges won’t - so you see long-term results quickly. We go beyond barrier repair, and target the energy mechanisms of skin cells; offering regenerative solutions that correct underlying damage.
Our principal is based on Skin Regenerative Therapy, and our aim is to repair cellular damage of skin at the level at which it occurs by reconstructing and protecting the skin’s cellular functions. Our formulations restore skin cell’s health, returning damaged skin to a balanced state, repairing and activating skin health genes and renewing the skin’s youthful appearance. Our clever and complex formulas are developed by formulators who have a passion for skin, not marketers who have their eye primarily on financial gain. We aim to enable a simple routine that is guaranteed to deliver maximum effect.
We are passionate about every touch point that will ultimately be a part of the Juvenate experience; and this is why we choose to supply Professional Clinic only, with skin therapists that are well trained and choose to remain ahead of the game by availing themselves of continuous education on new advancements in a very fast-moving industry.
We know that in an age where we are bombarded with messages from influencers, screens, algorithm it’s easy to suffer from paralysis by analysis or to bounce from skincare range to skincare range without seeing real, or lasting, results.
From aging, hormonal changes and stress to changes in health and habits, skin needs change and evolve. We believe the professional skin therapist, who has an understanding of skin anatomy, physiology and ingredients alongside a comprehension of the advantages of how combining this knowledge can be incredibly advantageous, is the person best qualified to assess skin and provide personalised advice and product recommendations that supports ongoing skin health. The beauty industry is a minefield of fairy dust ingredients, wild marketing and questionable claims. We want to ensure that you receive expert skin advice and be assured you can trust the advice you are given, when you see a clinic certified as a “Juvenate Regenerative Skin Clinic”, this is the assurance you are getting.
Our skin regenerative products are formulated with an aim to create changes in the skin. This means our concentration of ingredients is optimised, this requires Professional know-how and ongoing client advice to ensure best results. Products available for self-selection in the retail environment minimise their likelihood of causing adverse reactions by lowering concentration - we didn’t want to do that - so we rely on the professionalism of our Regenerative Skin Therapists. What that also means for you, is that because your Skin Professional understands our philosophy and ingredients and has a clear understanding of skin and conditions of the skin - the sky is the limit for results - all achieved with a compact selection of products.
We know our Cosmedical grade homecare products deliver amazing results in the hands of our Regenerative Skin Therapists, we also know that when you add in a inclinic treatment programme formulated with even higher levels of actives and designed to be powered up with skin care technologies from microneedling to LED, your Regenerative Skin Therapist, can create a programme with synergistic effects that will deliver next level results.
This is also partly due to the underestimated power of the benefit from human touch. Scientific research confirms the importance and multiple benefits of human touch to our physical, mental and emotional health. Professional treatments inclinic and Touch Therapies can boost your wellbeing on many levels.
DIY Beauty vs in-clinic treatments
What beauty treatments can you do at home and what should you leave to the pros?
The influence of social media has played a huge role in the upsurge of at-home beauty treatments with an increasing awareness of high tech facial products and devices purported to deliver promising results at home, with Instagram and TikTok videos leading people to experiment at home to try and recreate in-salon treatments.
While there are some DIY beauty treatments that can be effective - how do you know when you’re out of your depth and when it’s worth paying a professional instead?
While some of these treatments are completely safe to do at home there are some that really should be left to the experts at a clinic to prevent long term skin problems, scarring and defects.
Here are some of the treatments you should be able to doing safely in your own home
- Professionally recommended masks and surface exfoliation.
- Cosmetic Skin Rolling (to infuse ingredients)
- LED light therapy – with the caveat that you have a light mask/panel that has verified light parameters (or otherwise, risk the effect of sitting under christmas lights with no results)

Here are just some of the treatments that should be left to the experts at a Juvenate Regenerative Skin Clinic
- Dermaplaning - or anything with a sharp blade that may injure the skin. Even if you don’t injure the skin you may still disrupt the delicate ecosystem of skin.
- IPL for hair removal and/or Skin Rejuvenation. Clinicians have an understanding of the hair growth cycle and/or skin cell behaviour. Home devices are necessarily less potent (to avoid litigation) and may introduce heat into skin without any visible benefits and simultaneously create dark patches on skin because of resulting inflammation.
- Plasma Pen Treatments - heat penetrates deep into skin and healing needs to be carefully monitored. Skin damage and discolouration are common side effects.
- Skin Tag Removal - too much can go wrong if you don’t understand skin healing cycle.
- Peels – superficial and medium depth are best done by a trained professional who can choose appropriate ingredients, pH level and control the result. Pigmentation or inflammation can result if used incorrectly - giving the appearance of a prematurely aged skin.
Ultimately, if you have done something at home which has damaged your skin, seek professional advice pronto! Follow the advice of the clinician and be patient. Sometimes the fix is slower and harder when repairing this type of damage.
Also, be wary of the things you see on social media and online that promise results that seem too good to be true - they don’t necessarily do what they promise. Rather consult with your Juvenate Regenerative Skin Therapist and enjoy your skin journey.